Appointees to understand their duties for Health and Safety in terms of the appointment made in terms of OHSA S16(2)

Module 1 Module 1 Introduction, Interpretation and OHSA
Unit 0 Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 0 Unit 2 Interpretation
Unit 0 Unit 3 OHSA Regulations and Compliance
Module 2 Module 2 Who is responsible for employee, contractor and visitor health and safety in the workplace?
Unit 0 Unit 1 Role Players
Unit 0 Unit 2 Employer duty of care towards Employees – S8
Unit 0 Unit 3 Other Persons and Liability for Employees and Contractors
Module 3 Module 3 What is a S16(2) appointment letter and why do I need to sign it?
Unit 0 Unit 1 OHSA S16
Module 4 Module 4 What does the OHSA H&S Executive Management structure look like?
Unit 0 Unit 1 Person Responsible for Machinery, GMR2
Unit 0 Unit 2 Other Appointments
Module 5 Module 5 What are a S16(2)’s duties in terms of an appointment?
Unit 0 Unit 1 Risk Management
Unit 0 Unit 2 S16(2) in his/her capacity as an Employee also has health and safety duties
Module 6 Module 6 What are the OHSA requirements for Management of Incidents?
Unit 0 Unit 1 Incident Management
Module 7 Module 7 How do you Manage the Duty of Care towards Employees and Contractors?
Unit 0 Unit 1 Duty of Care
Module 8 Module 8 What and how do I report on the discharge of my duties?
Unit 0 Unit 1 Control and direction of the CEO
Module 9 Module 9 What are the risks if I do not perform my duties?
Unit 0 Unit 1 Legal Liability