Pepsico OHSA Legal Liability October 2021
OHSA Legal Liability for S16(2) Appointees 2023
Appointees to understand their duties for Health and Safety in terms of the appointment made in terms of OHSA S16(2)
3 Day Advanced Environmental Law WS October 2021
OHSA Legal Liability for S16(2) Appointees
Appointees to understand their duties for Health and Safety in terms of the appointment made in terms of OHSA S16(2)
Pepsico OHSA Legal Liability
In-depth MHSA Workshop May 2021
In-depth MHSA Workshop March 2021
Assessment for attendees of the SIOC Tshipi Training Centre In-depth MHSA Workshop developed and facilitated by Implex Training 30 November – 4 December 2020